I am being stared at, by hares, as the sun breaks over the horizon, jetting the entire dawn sky pink. I smile, staring at the hasenpfeffers, as I whiz by their early curbside breakfast, realizing how perfectly insane that view from my driver’s window would be, a couple of weeks ago, in New York City.
But these two weeks have been a whirlwind and a revelation. I think about this, as I turn the corner, the one with the old white-washed 1800’s house with the saffron robes hanging on the washing line. I smile, knowing that a week ago, I discovered a Buddhist Monk living their, the stark contrast of house and owner making me grin even more. Even here, it is New Yawka strange.
I turn a corner, the one with the small modern house which boasts a colonial barn that has been converted into a two-car garage. This sort of jumbled modern and prim living, the long rolling hills, the strange winding roads, are the charm that have plastered themselves into my heart. It is a ragtag world quilted into a bodacious world here, full of surprises and beauty amongst it’s everyday living. I am swooning with the atmosphere of it.
But mostly, I am happy about today’s journey which--unlike the past two weeks--highlights an unusual celebration; I am about to set down roots, if even for a short time. Indeed, this little car of mine carries a few humble boxes, half of my life. And for a year and a day, I will be ensconced in a teeny cottage, a temporary home.
Here, there will be work, but there will be other opportunities. There are wishes to be had here, dreams to continue and work on. There are bittersweet ponderings, too, as I wonder if my father would ever approve of this latest crazy scheme. I think of him, this past Father’s Day, fresh as a widow bride, and there is grief but small smiles as I realize he would have understood, for I was the daughter --as he would say--“as crazy as I am.”
And so my world is about unveiling small trinkets, pocketfuls of hope, old things I have acquired in journeys, and other sentimentalities....

There is more wistfulness unpacking this little world than expected, as I realize I am
doing it alone, and somewhere I hope that there is a man missing me as much as I miss him.
It is a far away and crazy risk I am taking here, there are parts of me that don’t know what I am doing here, and parts of me that isn’t surprised one bit by this capriciousness.
In the meantime, I am hoping so many little hold-your-breath hopes, during this year of so much stretching. They are big and small hopes, but all real and meaningful in my humble, furniture-less house. As with everything, there are so many possibilities, these little ideas written in scrawl from so long ago...such as….
1. Planting a real garden
2. Preserving some food
3. Continuing folk art
4. Returning to some sort of performing arts
5. Finally playing the fiddle (Big Red did end up in PA, after all!)
6. Horses, horses, horses---of course(s)!
7. Starting a barter community
8. Writing, and writing some more…
And that’s just for starters. I know it sounds ambitious, but the clock never stops ticking. There is a life to be lived, in this House of Wishes. I only hope to muster enough courage and energy to do it all.
And so it is, the year of wishes…
So I ask you, my Friends: what are YOUR wishes?
My wish is for you to have the most wonderful and fruitful year you can have my friend!!
I look forward to following your journey over the next year!
What beautiful wishes! I hope they ALL come true for you, Zan. They are easy goals to achieve. :) This post was so magical and fun of love...I couldn't help but smile when reading it! Keep waving that magic wand!!! Dreams DO come true!
My wishes:
That you will continue to share your stories with us.
I will learn to grow more food in my gardens.
Arts and crafts will start becoming a big part of my life again.
I will reach my goal of being debt free in 2015.
I will be healthy enough to do all of the things that I want to do.
I will learn how to be a beekeeper.
A sustainable foods and locally produced market will be established here in Sumter S.C.
You live life to the fullest Zan. I wish you many magical days in your cottage and know whatever you do, it will be fun and creative. You are the free spirit most of us dream about.
Much love
I dream of chickens, goats and a garden....of playful westies and shy bunnies...of writing things that touch and sell....of marketing creations of mine...of making jam and jellies and other good stuffs.... and while those wishes seem far away among the stars I wish upon, I seem to hold a certainty that my life will be eventually found in the little farm for which I wish. Good job, you, Zan....for awhile I will live vicariously through your courageous adventure. Know that I am here should ever you need me.
Zan...your words are pure poetry! Just beautiful and simple and down to earth but oh so fanciful and glorious, whimsical and true to the soul. I pray for you on this chapter in your life. I pray that God will light your path and bless your way as you make the sacrifice of time apart from the ones to love in order to find that precious part of yourself that deserves just as much love from you.
Best of wishes! You DO inspire!
Wishes to me are also a part of our dreams and when we follow our dreams we can never go wrong. Zan, life is such an adventure, one that you have grabbed hold of it's tail and are giving yourself so many wonderful memories. Your PaPa would be so PROUD of you!!
Hugs and tons of love,
Pssst....I'm so looking forward to getting to travel with you even if it is only here. Your words bring it so much to life that I feel as though I'm there.
Know that you are exactly where you are supposed to me. Good things are in store for those who seek. And wishes are dreams yet unfullfilled. They are all out there within reach just waiting for you hands and eyes to touch them. Keep reaching. Wishing you lots of love in whatever form.
Know that you are exactly where you are supposed to be. Everyone you've met and every place you've been have prepared you for the next journey. Wishes are just dreams yet unfulfilled. But they are all within your grasp waiting for your magical touch. Keep reaching. Wishing you love in every form.
Know that you are exactly where you are supposed to be. Everyone you've met and every place you've been have prepared you for the next journey. Wishes are just dreams yet unfulfilled. But they are all within your grasp waiting for your magical touch. Keep reaching. Wishing you love in every form.
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